The Truth About Back Pain: Don’t Even Think Of Taking Another Pain Pill Until You Read This

Having back and leg pain can bring life to a standstill. You might not be able to play golf, work, or even
sit in the car for a 30-minute drive. It’s almost impossible for anyone around you to understand how you feel. You can’t remember the last time you even had a restful night’s sleep.

You’ve got too many dreams left undone to let back pain slow you down. Too many special moments just waiting to be experienced.

Life is too short to let pain slow you down.

Pain is your body’s warning sign telling you something is wrong. Sure, you can numb the pain if you take enough Vicodin, Soma or some other pain pill. But if you mask the pain, it can prevent your back from healing – maybe even damage it further. Not to mention many of the pain medications available are quite addicting and can have devastating side effects.

Could This Be The Solution To Your Back Pain?

Over the past several years, I’ve seen hundreds of people with back pain leave the office pain-free. Because I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I strongly believe… Back pain is NOT “just a part of life” and something you have to live with.

Chiropractic has been around for over a hundred years, and has been used to help everyone from tiny babies to the elderly.

Even top sports stars and entertainers… like Tiger Woods, Emmitt Smith, Tony Robbins, Joe Montana, Lance Armstrong, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Gibson receive chiropractic care. These professionalsand athletes have the money to hire any kind of doctor they want, so they choose to have a chiropractor on their team.

Here’s what some of the top medical researchers had to say about chiropractic…”Manipulation [chiropractic adjustments], with or without exercise, improved symptoms more than medical care did after both 3 and 12 months.” – British Medical Journal

“Chiropractor’s manipulation of the spine was more helpful than any of the following: traction, massage, biofeedback, acupuncture, injection of steroids into the spine and back corsets, and ultrasound.” — Stanley Bigos, MD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery

This means in just a matter of weeks you could be back to doing the things you love, enjoying your love life, or traveling again.

For an evaluation and treatment plan, call 325-695-9355.  Or fill in the form below to Request an Appointment.