Is Stress Causing Havoc on Your Body? Avoid it with These Tips….
Tip 1: Exercise.
When researching for the effects of exercises on mental conditions, it is clear that exercise is one of the most beneficial activities to burn off stress and give your brain an increase in feel-good hormones such as serotonin. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous. Walk, stretch, perform light jogging—just move, feed your brain.
Tip 2: Meditate.
Go somewhere quiet, close your eyes, be still for 10 to 20 minutes, and let your brain slow down. I have to meditate daily—I like to do it for about 10 minutes in the morning and five minutes at lunch. Purchase a book or DVD with meditation or yoga techniques.
While meditating, put slight pressure on your closed eyelids and a physiological reflex will occur that lowers blood pressure and heart rate.
Tip 3: Condition your mind with positive influences.
Read positive books, watch uplifting television, go see comedy movies. Avoid the fear, doom, and gloom that is in newspapers, film, and downtrodden conversations with people always complaining (some might be our own family members). For your own health, limit your time with people who see everything as negative—or steer the conversation away from depressing talk. Such relationships can be toxic and drain mental energy. Turn toward positivity by choosing to turn off the nightly news and instead read the cartoon section of the newspaper. Watch the movie Dumb and Dumber—dare you not to laugh! Get the old films of The Three Stooges, laugh, smile, surround yourself with positive people, positive images, or pictures of happy times. I hang in my clinic pictures of my kids laughing and playing, as well as pictures of patients who have had great success in our office and become our extended family. They evoke happy thoughts in me and block out negative influences. You must protect your mind.
Tip 4: Track your moods throughout the day.
Keep a journal to write down when your moods are at their best—notice patterns, and try to engage in more of those activities that are joyful. When you notice you’re mood is more blue, fill that time also with positive activities, a funny book, or an upbeat song—not a heartbreak country song. Surround yourself with people who are positive and encouraging. Create a space in your living environment or workplace that is comfortable and peaceful. Turn off the phone and relax, even for 10 to 20 minutes.
Tip 5: Get rid of clutter.
Environmental clutter can clutter your mind. Get rid of clutter by donating it to charity if you haven’t used it in over a year. You won’t miss it—trust me. Give it away. You will feel better.
Tip 6: Do something fun.
Go to the park, go fishing, go shopping, walk in the park, work on your hobby. Give yourself a “me” day or even am hour of fun to give yourself a mental break.
For serious emotional or physical traumas that might have happened in the past but have not been resolved, it is best to seek the assistance of a licensed therapist. Emotional traumas can linger in your mind and could very well be the source of chronic pain and continue to be chronic for years to come if not addressed.
Call and schedule your appointment today! Still not sure chiropractic care is for you? We have free consultations! Call and schedule your free consultation! If you are ready to start your journey to better health call today and mention our blog and tell the receptionist you would like to utilize our New Patient Special to receive your discount of over $200!
Abilene,TX 79606
Psychological Stress and Pain
Psychological Stress and Pain
Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy, and rewarding life.
—Marilu Henner
Have you ever noticed that pain increases during times of stress? Why is that? Emotions are a powerful force. We feel emotions every day. Women tend to be very in touch with their emotions, and those emotions can manifest in a variety of ways. Some can create havoc and a vicious cycle for musculoskeletal dysfunction.
Emotional stress can be contributed to nearly every health ailment known to mankind. Stress can reduce blood supply, create tight muscles, reduce oxygen, and release hormones that trigger inflammation, limit your ability to repair joints, and cause nerves to be overactive. Stress must be kept in check in order to manage chronic back and neck pain. Your body’s response to a short-term stress is known as the “fight-or-flight” mechanism. When you are being chased by a bear, you want your body to move all its blood away from areas of your body, such as your intestines and stomach, to the skeletal muscles so you can run away as fast as you can. That is necessary as long as it is short-lived. When your body perceives stress for long periods of time—weeks, months, years—you create a neurological reflex of tight muscles that can actually change the shape of your spine over time, irritate joints, and pull vertebrae out of alignment. Chronic stress slowly but surely starts to degenerate you nerves and your brain. The physiology of chronic stress is a topic for another book, but underlying stress is the source of many if not most ailments. Not all stresses are easily identified.
A patient named Misty is a 35-year-old mother of four, working 30 hours a week as a telemarketer. She and I were talking about the chronic muscle pain in her shoulders and hips. When I asked about stress in her life, she replied, “Dr. Morgan, I don’t really have stress. Everything is going well. I have a job I like, my family is healthy—I don’t really have any stress in my life.” Well you might not perceive things as stresses, but your body sure does. I asked her to walk me through her day. She begins by getting up two times a night with an infant, starts her morning with three cups of coffee while trying to get the kids up and dressed, often running late she decides to not cook breakfast and picks up doughnuts at the bakery, still late she eats in the car on the way to drop the older kids at school, goes to work, has one more cup of coffee, works for several hours, skips lunch and instead replaces it with a Red Bull or Monster Energy drink, and snack on a bag of chips while working. Hang on—there’s more…. She leaves work, picks up a few kids, hurries home to cook and clean for the kids, eats a TV dinner and drinks a cola, helps with homework, bathes kids, and does some laundry. She doesn’t even have time to sit down and unwind before bed. By about 9:00 p.m., she hits a brick wall, knowing she should go to bed, but decides to have one more cup of coffee or iced tea for a pick-me-up so she can finish some work around the house. In bed by 10:30 p.m., she has difficulty going to sleep because she says she can’t turn her mind off. After lying in bed for about an hour, she decides to take a sleeping pill. Her infant wakes up twice, usually around 1:00 a.m. and again at 4:00 a.m. Her alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m., when she gets up to start all over again.
I explained to Misty that even though she might not believe she has any stress—such as a loss of a loved one, difficulty at work, or a child who is disobedient or having issues at school—the amount of caffeine she consumes and poor dietary habits are just as bad. Caffeine is a stimulant and, if not kept in moderation, the body’s chemistry and nervous system perceive the stimulation as a constant fight-or-flight response. She doesn’t sit and eat at a slow or normal rate, she is rushed everywhere she goes, and it’s difficult for her to find the time to be in a rest-and-digest state. She eventually burns out the adrenal glands, responsible for stress hormones, and the body now feels it constantly needs stimulants to function.
High levels of stress hormones make it easy to put on weight around your waist, decrease your lifespan, and accelerate the progression of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and dementia.
So, how should you deal with and ease emotions and stresses that might not be in your control? Check out my next blog on how to deal and tips you can use! Call and schedule your next appointment.
If you are a new patient tell the receptionist that you would like to come in for our NEW PATIENT SPECIAL and get a HUGE DISCOUNT! Remember to mention our blog!!
Dr. Morgan & Dr. Chowning
If you don’t already have a copy of my latest book stop by the office at 4549 Catclaw Drive Abilene,TX .
or download your copy here! While you are there checkout some of our patient testimonies!
Your Best Defense – is a Good Offense!
Your Best Defense – is a Good Offense!
There is a lot of health advice out there, so I’m keeping it simple with a few things to remember about staying healthy.
Get into the sun when you can! Sunshine is the best way to get the natural Vitamin D you need to keep your immune system strong.
The protective benefits of vitamin D are said to “lie in its ability to stimulate innate immunity and reduce inflammation.” Vitamin D suppresses NF-kappa B signaling, dampens excessive inflammation while enhancing killing of viruses.
Senior adults have been found to have 2.6 times greater risk for pneumonia between highest and lowest blood levels of vitamin D.
Open your windows to prevent stagnant indoor air, and vacuum frequently. The dust in hard-to-reach corners or settled atop your furniture can actually be toxic.
Researchers from George Washington University analyzed dust samples data from across America and found 45 potentially toxic chemicals hiding within, ten of which turned up in 90 percent of the samples.
One repeat offender was TDCIPP, a flame retardant frequently found in furniture and other household items that is thought to cause cancer; phthalates, often found in toys and vinyl flooring, as well as phenols, typically used in cleaning products, were also found in high amounts.
Minimize dust by vacuuming frequently (use the proper attachments to reach into corners and under furniture) and regularly wiping down surfaces.
Does Taking Ibuprofen Make Coronavirus Worse?
It may! There is enough evidence to consider alternatives when available.
Paul Little, a professor of primary care research at the University of Southampton in the U.K., said “that prolonged illness or the complications of respiratory infections may be more common when NSAIDs [Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs] are used.”
And Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading, agreed that anti-inflammatories could “dampen down” the immune system, making it harder for it to fight COVID-19. He also noted that this concern had also come up when anti-inflammatories were used during the SARS (also a coronavirus) epidemic.
I recommend natural anti-inflammatories that use ingredients provided by nature, that compliment and can even enhance the immune system! If you are taking Ibuprofen for pain or chronic inflammation, there are much safer alternatives available, such as Inflammation drops or BioEase CBD from West Coast, which can be purchased at our clinic.
I saw this quote the other day that is extremely applicable to our present situation, not just with baseball, but with life in general:
“When fishermen can’t go to sea, they repair their nets.” – Nabil Sabio Azadi
Right now, we can’t do or go a lot of places, see loved ones, or do things that we may take for granted. We have been thrown a nasty curve in our season so to speak, and in our lives as well.
Dr. Jake Morgan, D.C., 4549 Catclaw Dr. Abilene, Texas 79606
than it was on January 1st, 2020 and that includes our clinic. In order to shrink the number of patients we serve due
to governmental regulations we have had to reduce the number of patients we accept. The great news in that change is a
smaller, much more intimate treatment experience. The downside it that appointments fill up at a far faster rate.
Do you Have Scoliosis?
What Is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine from one side to the other. There are many causes of scoliosis—genetics, cerebral palsy, other neurological disorders—but the most common is what doctors describe as idiopathic, meaning “we don’t know why.” Some clues that a person has scoliosis include uneven shoulders, a prominent shoulder blade, uneven waist, or leaning to one side. Girls are more likely to be affected than boys. Idiopathic scoliosis is most commonly a condition of adolescence, affecting ages 10 through 16. Idiopathic scoliosis can progress during the “growth spurt” years but usually stops progressing once skeletal maturity is reached. The diagnosis of scoliosis and the determination of the type of scoliosis are made by a careful spinal exam and X-ray to evaluate the magnitude of the curve or curves.
Functional Scoliosis is a mild form of curvature that can be contributed to old injuries that don’t heal properly, lifestyle habits, or muscle imbalances that slowly pull the spine and create misalignments. It is not uncommon for degenerative spines to develop curvatures. Patients can develop chronic muscle tightness and joint pain due to abnormal pressures on the spine.
Treatment for Scoliosis
Most curvatures are mild in nature and can be managed by improving joint motion and retraining the muscles that support the spine. • Short-term relief includes using electrical stimulation to relax the musculature. • Bracing is the usual treatment of choice for adolescents who have a spinal curve between 25 degrees to 40 degrees, particularly if their bones are still maturing and if they have at least two years of growth remaining. • If the curvature is over 40 degrees, surgery to put rods in the spine might be recommended. With this amount of curvature, even with bracing or a surgery a perfectly aligned spine is not likely.
I treat patients every day with this condition. I can help you! Call the office today to schedule your appointment! Make sure and tell the receptionist you want to come in for the New Patient special and mention the blog so that you can get your major discount!
Suffering from Back Pain?
Back Pain?
Do You Have Any of the Following Conditions?
- Lower Back Pain
- Muscle spasm or strains
- Bulging lumbar discs
- Numbness or soreness in your legs
- Shooting hip or thigh pain
Having back and leg pain can bring life to a standstill.
You might not be able to play golf, work, or even sit in the car for a 30-minute drive. It’s almost impossible for anyone around you to understand how you feel. You can’t remember the last time you even had a restful night’s sleep.
You’ve got too many dreams left undone to let back pain slow you down. Too many special moments waiting to be experienced.
My name is Dr. Jake Morgan, owner of Advanced Chiropractic & Spinal Rehab. Over the past 9 years since we’ve opened the doors, I’ve seen hundreds of people with back pain leave the office pain free.
Because I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I strongly believe…Back pain is NOT “just a part of life” and something you have to live with.
Here’s what some of the top medical researchers had to say about chiropractic…
“Manipulation [chiropractic adjustments], with or without exercise, improved symptoms more than medical care did after both 3 and 12 months.”– British Medical Journal
“Chiropractor’s manipulation of the spine was more helpful than any of the following: traction, massage, biofeedback, acupuncture, injection of steroids into the spine and back corsets, and ultrasound.” — Stanley Bigos, MD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
This means in just a matter of weeks you could be back on the golf course, enjoying your love life, or traveling again.
For 15 days only, I’m running a very special offer where you can find out how much this amazing treatment can help your back pain.
What does this offer include? Everything I normally do in my new patient evaluation for just $68.The normal price for this evaluation is $225, so you’re saving a considerable amount on this offer.
Just call our office at 325-695-9355 and here’s what you’ll get…
An in-depth consultation about your health and well-being where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your case. A complete neuromuscular examination, specialized x-rays (if necessary), and a thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain free.
You’ll get to see everything first hand and find out if this amazing treatment will be your back pain solution, like it has been for so many other patients.
Life is too short to let pain slow you down. Call now 325-695-9355.
Ask for a copy of my book, Book 21st Century Back Pain Solution!
Live Life Healthy,