Could This Drugless Treatment Be Your Headache Solution Too?
Are Headaches Controlling Your Life?
These Are The Facts You Must Know
Living with headaches is tough. Day after day of being miserable, irritable, and looking a lot older than you really are. The frustration of knowing that your friends and family don’t understand what you’re going through.
Add this to doctors’ visits, MRI’s and CT scans — which only come back with “normal” results. That’s not all… trying one medication after another, feeling like you’re on a merry-go-round of drugs. All this is enough to make anyone want to scream!
I’ve been helping patients with neck tension, headaches and migraines live pain free for years now.
Every week I hear people suffering from severe headaches – statements like…
- “I feel like my head is in a vice.”
- “My eyes hurt and I feel so drowsy.”
- “I have to lay down.”
- “I’ve had migraines since childhood.”
- “Muscle tension in the neck and pain into the shoulders.”
They tell me they’re sick and tired of jumping from one headache medication to the next. Here’s what I hear…
“I am tired of being looked upon as someone who is only out there to get medicine. I only want RELIEF. I don’t know why that is so hard for people to understand. I don’t want to be treated badly anymore. I want to get help, and I want to get rid of the headaches.”
Imagine being able to live life like a normal person again, pain free and without headaches — being able to play with your kids, enjoy time with friends, and not have to worry that your headache will hit you at just the wrong time.
I’m running a special offer for those suffering with headaches.
Why would I run a special? Because patients tell me too often…
“I only wished I had found you sooner”
Just call within the next 10 days and here’s what you’ll get…
- An in-depth consultation about your headaches where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your unique situation.
- A complete neuromuscular and skeletal examination of the head and neck so we can find the problem.
- A full set of specialized x-rays if needed to determine if posture or joint problem is contributing to your pain … (NOTE: These would normally cost you at least $225).
- A thorough analysis of your exam and x-rays where we’ll map out how you can get rid of your headaches once and for all.
Could This Drugless Treatment Be Your Headache Solution Too?
Numerous studies have shown the benefits of spinal adjustments with headache patients.
The Boline Study
This study compared two groups of headache patients, half went for chiropractic adjustments, the other half took amitriptyline, a medication often prescribed for the treatment of severe tension headache pain. After six weeks researchers found that chiropractic patients experienced almost no side effects. And only the chiropractic patients continued to report fewer headaches when treatment ended.
The Duke Study
Medical experts concluded that spinal manipulations resulted in almost immediate improvement for headaches. Patients also had significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of headaches than a commonly prescribed medication.
Recurring Headaches Are Not Normal
No question… if you are having headaches then something is wrong. Pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Finding the problem and fixing it has got to be top priority! Call today:
Call anytime between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm Monday through Thursday or 8-12 on Fridays. Tell the receptionist you’d like to come in for the Special Headache Evaluation with in the next 10 days.
Jake Morgan, D.C.
P.S. Why Suffer With Years Of Misery?
How many years can your body handle taking one pill after another?
That’s no way to live, not when there could be an easy solution to your problem. Many of the pain medications available are quite addicting and can have drastic side effects.
Call today. I may be able to help you live a normal, pain-free life again. Call 325-695-9355
Back Pain is not “Just a Part of Life”
Back Pain?
Do You Have Any of the Following Conditions?
- Lower Back Pain
- Muscle spasm or strains
- Bulging lumbar discs
- Numbness or soreness in your legs
- Shooting hip or thigh pain
Having back and leg pain can bring life to a standstill.
You might not be able to play golf, work, or even sit in the car for a 30-minute drive. It’s almost impossible for anyone around you to understand how you feel. You can’t remember the last time you even had a restful night’s sleep.
You’ve got too many dreams left undone to let back pain slow you down. Too many special moments waiting to be experienced.
My name is Dr. Jake Morgan, owner of Advanced Chiropractic & Spinal Rehab. Over the past 9 years since we’ve opened the doors, I’ve seen hundreds of people with back pain leave the office pain free.
Because I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I strongly believe…Back pain is NOT “just a part of life” and something you have to live with.
Here’s what some of the top medical researchers had to say about chiropractic…
“Manipulation [chiropractic adjustments], with or without exercise, improved symptoms more than medical care did after both 3 and 12 months.”– British Medical Journal
“Chiropractor’s manipulation of the spine was more helpful than any of the following: traction, massage, biofeedback, acupuncture, injection of steroids into the spine and back corsets, and ultrasound.” — Stanley Bigos, MD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
This means in just a matter of weeks you could be back on the golf course, enjoying your love life, or traveling again.
For 15 days only, I’m running a very special offer where you can find out how much this amazing treatment can help your back pain.
What does this offer include? Everything I normally do in my new patient evaluation for just $68.The normal price for this evaluation is $225, so you’re saving a considerable amount on this offer.
Just call our office at 325-695-9355 and here’s what you’ll get…
An in-depth consultation about your health and well-being where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your case. A complete neuromuscular examination, specialized x-rays (if necessary), and a thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain free.
You’ll get to see everything first hand and find out if this amazing treatment will be your back pain solution, like it has been for so many other patients.
Life is too short to let pain slow you down. Call now 325-695-9355.
Ask for a copy of my book, Book 21st Century Back Pain Solution!
Look for our next post, it will be covering Headaches and how to take control of them.
Live Life Healthy,
Hurting from a Car Wreck and Whiplash
Hurting From A Car Wreck?
If you’ve recently been involved in a car wreck and suffer from any of the following…
- Neck pain
- Sharp, shooting pains in the arms
- Numbness and tingling in the arms or hands
- Painful headaches or dizziness
- Unrelenting muscle soreness
…there may be cause for concern. This may be the most important article you will ever read about your injuries.
It’s amazing how different life can be after a split second collision.
One minute everything is fine, the next you are hurting for days and uncertain if life will ever get back to normal. Tasks you used to perform with ease, like reading, concentrating or even sleeping, now take more energy and cause annoying pain.
If you feel like this, or have any of the symptoms listed above, you could be suffering from whiplash. Whiplash is an injury to the spine caused by a jerking motion, either backward, forward or from the side.
Whiplash can severely damage your ligaments, even if you feel just a little sore after the accident. If not healed properly, painful scar tissue will develop, causing misery in your neck joints for decades.
One medical study concluded 43% of patients “will suffer long-term symptoms following ‘whiplash’ injury, for which no conventional treatment has proven to be effective.”
This means that almost half the people who have neck trauma from a car wreck will suffer for years. Plus the traditional methods of treatment like neck collars, ‘wait-and-see’, and pain pills are not working.
My name is Dr. Jake Morgan, clinic director at Advanced Chiropractic & Spinal Rehab. I’ve been helping people heal and be pain free after car wrecks for 9 years. Chiropractic treatment has proven to be a very effective method of healing whiplash injuries. Here’s the results of one chiropractic study…
“The results of this retrospective study would suggest that benefits can occur in over 90% of patients undergoing chiropractic treatment for chronic whiplash injury.” — European Spine Journal
Special Opportunity To Have
A Professional Evaluation
I’m running a very special offer where you can find out how bad your injuries are and if I can help you.
What does this offer include? Everything I normally do in my “Car Wreck Evaluation”. Just call and here’s what you’ll get…
- An in-depth consultation about your problem where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your case.
- A complete neuromuscular examination.
- A thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain free.
- You’ll see everything first hand and find out if this amazing treatment will be your pain solution, like it has been for so many other patients.
Don’t let scar tissue build up and be painful for life. Take me up on my offer and call today 325-695-9355.
The best Doctor for treating Back Pain
What You Should Expect from Any Doctor Treating Your Pain
The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.
- Make sure the doctor listens to you—I mean really listens to your complaints.
- A physician should always start with conservative treatment first.
- Have him or her perform a complete physical exam, actually touching and feeling your painful region, not just looking at it with a shrug of the shoulders.
- Don’t get confused by fancy doctor lingo. Did you understand the problem? Ask questions. If you’re talked down to, like you’re a child, move on to someone who will take the time to listen to and guide you with respect. Your doctor should be a trusted partner in your health plan, not a dictator.
- Learn about your doctor’s qualifications. Is he or she up-to-date with the latest treatment and techniques, or has this doctor been doing the same old thing for the past 20 years?
- The most important thing is to properly work up and diagnose your problem, and not dish out a general diagnosis of “back pain,” “neck pain,” or “you’re getting older so just deal with it.” It is not a professional diagnosis if it tells you nothing of what is causing your pain.
- Determining what is causing you pain is done by listening to you very carefully, performing a physical examination, and proper diagnostic studies to pinpoint your problem, usually X-rays, MRI, CT scans, or nerve testing to name a few.
- Ideally your pain will be treated to a point of full recovery or to a point of maximum medical improvement (MMI).
- If needed, your primary care doctor might make referrals to other health-care providers.
At this point, you probably realize that just opening up the phone book and choosing the closest chiropractor, medical doctor, physical therapist, or…the guy with the biggest ad could prove to be a very costly mistake.
Go check out some of our patient testimonies!
Call our Office at 325-695-9355 and talk to our receptionist about our new patient offer and all the conditions Dr. Morgan treats.
Watch for our next blog, it will be covering Auto Accidents!
How to Fix Back Pain
Is Back Pain Controlling Your Life?
Does any of the following sound familiar? You might not be able to play with your grandkids, you begin skipping trips with a spouse, or you gradually stop working in the yard, something that you enjoy. Perhaps you are no longer able to play golf, work, or even sit in the car for a 30-minute drive. It’s almost impossible for anyone around you to understand how you feel. You can’t remember the last time you even had a restful night’s sleep. Nothing’s worse than feeling great mentally, but physically feeling held back from life because your strained back or sciatica pain in your leg hurts and won’t go away! Your husband, your wife, your kids—they don’t understand the sudden catch that can drop you to your knees.
They don’t know about turning over in bed every five minutes and then sleeping in the recliner or couch the rest of the night when you can’t get comfortable. They don’t have a clue about trying to get up the next day and facing the world when you’re totally exhausted and still in pain. You are slowly turning into a grumpy person (and no one wants to be around that). You might feel embarrassed or disgusted with the same old back pain or, worse, perhaps you minimize your complaints and think you just have to live with it. You realize that no one really understands what it feels like, as they might secretly think you are faking it. Or they know you hurt but think it can’t be that bad.
Maybe you have seen other doctors or professionals who don’t seem all that concerned with your back health. I can speak from personal experience on this case. I want you to realize the opportunities that can be missed in life if your pain is preventing you from your life goals or your ability to help secure your life, your family’s life. I am truly passionate about helping back-pain sufferers find relief, but more important, helping them to an improved life by alleviating a burden that might inhibit the true quality of their lives or families’ lives.
Help Me Help You!
Help me help you! Help me help you!
—Jerry Maguire
It’s crucial to value your health and, if you’re reading this book, you probably understand this concept. Think about it—without your health you really have nothing. Pay more attention to your health since, as you age, it might become more difficult to find the time to exercise, watch what you eat, nurture your mind, or follow doctors’ recommendations. This is sometimes due to life circumstances or the belief that you have other more important priorities, such as spouses, kids, or loved ones, who might take your time and attention because you know they depend on you and need you to be healthy. Most people have priorities, and many have others who depend on them, so no more excuses. Make a commitment to your health, knowing that it’s difficult to serve others—and yourself—if you’re in poor health. The smallest decisions or slightest changes every day can either move you toward or away from better health. The choice is yours—you always have a choice. Many people know they should improve their health, but the large majority never take action.
The majority of patients I work with—and, likely, most of the population—generally want one or more of these three things:
- Sleep better
- Improve energy levels
- Decrease pain to maintain physical independence and to continue sharing life’s experiences with loved ones
I am here to help you achieve success in all three areas of concern. And I’ll need you to…help me help you.
You Must Love Yourself First!
I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.
I am reminded of a patient named Pat, a 55-year-old lady who works from home. She sits at a desk, working on a computer for 8 to 9 hours a day, and suffers from chronic lower back pain. She is a good and caring person, but the fact is she cares for everyone but herself. Pat has not given herself permission to take care of her own needs. In your upbringing you were probably taught to share and think of others, both good qualities but if you are physically unable you are limited in what you can do. Pat was a single mother who raised three kids and always took care of their needs, financially, health-wise, and in relation to extracurricular activities. She has battled a number of health issues, including back pain, digestive issues, complications from diabetes, but has really done nothing proactive to combat these conditions.
The harsh reality is that Pat even takes better care of her dog than herself. She told me how she noticed her dog limping and immediately took her to the veterinarian. The dog had a hip condition and underwent a surgery, or maybe multiple surgeries, that cost over $7,500. Pat said she did not think twice about spending the money to help her dog. There is nothing wrong with that—she loves and cares for her dog. The dog still has a limp but seems to be feeling better. Yet, when I suggested Pat invest in a chair that better supports her lower back while working and possibly an ergonomically correct work desk to decrease the frequency of her neck and back pain, she responded with, “I can’t do that. I am getting new carpet for my house; it will be too expensive right now.” The items might cost her $500 but could potentially save her multiple thousands, or even tens of thousands, of dollars in future health-care expenses, lost time at work, decreased years she is able to earn an income, not to mention the benefits such as enjoying life’s moments with her kids, free of pain and suffering. Now, I have a professional and moral obligation to help her…but I can’t help someone who doesn’t care enough about her health to make an investment in herself. You must love yourself first! Make a commitment to love and care for yourself. Give yourself permission to do what’s best for you.
Make sure and check out our next blog on What You Should Expect from Any Doctor Treating Your Pain.
If you would like to know more information on how we may help or how you can treat your own back pain, please visit our website at www.abileneadvancedchiro.com or call 325-695-9355 to receive a free copy of our 21st Century Back Pain Solution book.