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What Is Degenerative Disc Disease?

What Is Degenerative Disc Disease?

Symptoms usually include dull ache or pain traveling across the lower back, stiffness, and catching sensation in lower back. Upper back or neck degenerative disc disease can happen in any region of your spine. Degenerative disc is a condition in which the disc or cushion between your vertebrae start to break down, usually having been damaged at some point in your life. As they wear out they can create abnormal movement in the spine and send abnormal signals to the supporting muscles, leading to muscle imbalance, dysfunction, and pain.


These changes are more likely to occur in people who do heavy physical work, such as repeated heavy lifting. A previous sudden (acute) injury, such as a fall, leading to a herniated disc might also begin the degeneration process. Those old injuries you might have not given a second thought to sometimes come back to haunt you.


Some studies correlate a genetic relationship to degenerative changes, so be sure and thank your parents if you have this condition. As the space between the vertebrae gets smaller, there is less padding between them, which creates bone on bone and the spine becomes less stable. The body reacts to this by constructing bony growths, called “bone spurs” (osteophytes). Bone spurs can put pressure on the spinal nerves or spinal cord, resulting in pain and affecting nerve function.

If degenerative changes in the bones occur in your upper back, you might develop a slumped or hunched appearance of your back. We have all seen men or women who have humped appearance, loss of height, and permanent postural abnormalities. This might be where we get the term “little old lady.” If this has occurred, you are in advanced stages of degenerative disc disease and need to take action now to prevent further postural changes. If someone in your family—a mother, father, or grandparent—has this, it is possible you have a genetic predisposition for the same condition.


Tim is a 70-year-old retired geologist. He was diagnosed in 1999 with degenerative disc in his lower back. He says he had occasional back pain but had always been able to work through it, until one day while playing golf he had tremendous lower back pain that was unrelenting for three weeks. He took high levels of pain killers and muscle relaxers with no relief. Hunched over and using a walker, he lunged onto my examination table. X-rays showed he had Stage 3 degenerative disc disease (DDD) at L4-L5 and L5-S1. After physical examination it was clear he also had severe muscle imbalances in his hip flexor muscles and lower back musculature. He said his number-one goal was to return to the golf course and that he would do anything it took to get back to swinging a golf club. Our treatment consisted of computerized lumbar decompression therapy, lower back joint realignments, a heavy dose of muscle balancing therapy, and electrical stimulation treatment. After four weeks he was 80-percent improved. He is now back on the course, and once a month he comes in for a tune-up treatment. He reminds me he can still shoot his age.


Effective Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease

Computerized lumbar decompression therapy • Joint realignment, which allows decreased pressure on the disc • Muscle balance treatments • Core exercises to strengthen the muscles that support that joint • Natural anti-inflammatory such as Boswellia, turmeric, and hot packs for temporary relief • Electrical stimulation • Lumbar braces with the goal of reducing pressure on disc • Self care in the form of stretching, lower back exercises, and ergonomic modifications

Just like Tim, we can help you to become pain free! Call today to schedule your appointment and lets get you back to being pain free again!

Tell the receptionist that you would like to come in for the  New Patient Special!

Jake Morgan DC


Don’t forget to download your very own copy my latest book 21st Century Back Pain Solution!



What’s Wrong With Your Back Pain

What’s Wrong With Your Back Pain


We cannot always control everything that happens to us in this life, but we can control how we respond. Many struggles come as problems and pressures that sometimes cause pain. Others come as temptations, trials, and tribulations.

—L. Lionel Kendrick


We have talked about different factors that cause back pain or dysfunction, and now we will discuss in further detail and name conditions that occur when the back system breaks down—either through postural changes, muscle imbalances, new or old trauma, nutritional or activity deficiencies or, yes, a cumulative effect of all. This is not a complete review of all conditions that can culminate in back pain, but we will discuss the most common disorders related to back pain.


What Is a Bulging Disc?

This complicated condition can also be known as a bulging disc, disc protrusion, or slipped disc. The disc is the cushion that sits between the stacked vertebrae that make up your spine. It has several functions, an important one being to act as a shock absorber. Visualize a disc like a jelly doughnut. Inside the disc is a jellylike substance that can attract water or gel-like substances to help absorb compressive forces. This is why we are actually taller in the morning than in the evening. After gravity pushes down on your spine throughout the day, the disc hydration decreases. When you lie down at night and take the compression forces off the spine, the disc rehydrates.


Many people have bulging disc but might not have any symptoms associated with it. Disc pain can occur when it is torn, irritated, or putting pressure on the nerve. The outer portion of the disc has painful nerve fibers, which can be a source of pain…and you can develop a bulging disc (or multiple bulging discs) when the inner portion of the disc. In terms of the jelly doughnut example, the jelly breaks through the outer ring of the doughnut and can put pressure on the nerves in your lower back. When the nerve is compressed, it can cause sharp shooting pain, numbness or tingling that might radiate into your buttocks, thigh, back of your leg, and even down into your lower leg and foot. If a herniated disc happens in the neck, you might experience numbness, tingling, or sharp shooting pain in one or both arms.


The source of disc herniations can be an injury from a car accident, or lifting and twisting your lower back, which creates extreme compression and torsion on the spine. But many disc herniations occur due to muscular imbalances that occur over time, creating slow abnormal pressure on the disc and spine, which allows a weak region of the disc. This condition in chronic situations responds well to computerized spinal decompression therapy, a muscle balance treatment.



Janet is a 45-year-old city administrator, suffering from persistent lower back pain, as well as pain that travels into her right buttocks and the back of her lower leg. For two months, she hoped the pain would resolve on its own and had been, as she says, “eating Aleve every day.” She was unable to get comfortable at night and couldn’t bend over to put on socks in the morning. X-rays and an MRI revealed multiple disc bulges. She had seen her primary care doctor, who was giving steroids but with minimal relief. She began treatment that included computerized lumbar decompression therapy, joint realignments, muscle balancing therapy, and electrical muscle/nerve stimulation treatment in our clinic. She had a 50-percent reduction of pain in eight visits, and was 80-percent pain-free in 12 visits; she had no pain by 24 visits. She told me the best part of her treatment was that she gained knowledge of how to stay pain-free.


Effective Treatment for Bulgingor Herniated Disc

Computerized lumbar decompression therapy • Muscle balance treatments to allow your body to take pressure off the disc • Core exercises to strengthen the muscles that support that joint • Natural anti-inflammatory such as Boswellia extract or turmeric • Lumbar braces with the goal of reducing pressure on disc • Cold laser therapy • Electrical muscle/nerve stimulation

If you want to learn more about becoming pain free from a bulging disc and/or would like to schedule a consultation to see if you are a candidate for treatment at Advanced Chiropractic & Spinal Rehab

Call Today! 325-695-9355 Ask about our New Patient Special!


Jake Morgan DC

Download a copy of my latest book 21st Century Back Pain Solution Book.


What Is Causing My Back Pain—Joint, Muscle, or Nerve?

What Is Causing My Back Pain—Joint, Muscle, or Nerve?


Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have—life itself.

—Walter Anderson


Joint? Muscle? Nerve? The answer is usually “all of the above.” That is why just addressing one potential source at a time or not addressing the true cause can lead you to frustrations and continued pain, even if you have seen multiple doctors. There is usually a primary source of pain, followed by a second or third dysfunction. The best way to explain a complex problem is with a real-life example:


Susie is a 51-year-old who has worked as an accountant for 22 years. She states that she has sharp lower back pain and occasional numbness in her left leg. She says all she did was bend forward out of her chair to pick up a pen she had dropped on the floor. Now, this motion is not a traumatic event. She probably bends forward to pick objects off the floor several times a day and has so for years. Then what was so different about this one event to cause her back pain? Due to the nature of her lower back, she initially had a muscular imbalance that created improper spinal biomechanics, which over time weakened her spinal supporting musculature. The nerves were slow in sending a message to her muscles to protect or brace her spine as she bent forward. She currently has muscle spasms, misaligned vertebrae, and a disc bulge compressing the nerve that runs down her leg. The primary problem is ligament-stretching or -tearing, causing lack of stability and one or more misaligned vertebrae. Muscle spasms are secondary, and nerve pain is tertiary (third rank). You can now understand that back discomfort is usually a combination of joint, muscle, and nerve problems.
It might be necessary to have medication or injections in instances of severe pain that is irretraceable and limits you physically. Medication should be a means to manage pain while beginning physical treatments or making changes to your muscles, joints, or nerves. Believing the medication is going to solve all of your problems is not accurate, and it can be a dangerous road to becoming dependent on drugs.

Here’s what some of the top medical researchers had to say about chiropractic…

“Manipulation [chiropractic adjustments], with or without exercise, improved symptoms more than medical care did after both 3 and 12 months.”– British Medical Journal


“Chiropractor’s manipulation of the spine was more helpful than any of the following:  traction, massage, biofeedback, acupuncture, injection of steroids into the spine and back corsets, and ultrasound.” — Stanley Bigos, MD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery


For 10 days only, I’m running a very special offer where you can find out how much this amazing treatment can help your pain.

What does this offer include?  Everything I normally do in my new patient evaluation.

Here’s what you’ll get…

An in-depth consultation about your health and well-being where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your case. A complete neuromuscular examination, full set of specialized x-rays (if necessary), and a thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain free.

You’ll get to see everything first hand and find out if this amazing treatment will be your pain solution, like it has been for so many other patients.

Life is too short to let pain slow you down.


Jake Morgan DC

Call now 325-695-9355

Download your copy of my book or swing by 4549 Catclaw Dr. Abilene,TX and pick up your copy today!

Chronic Soreness! Is Joint Pain Affecting you life?

As I have discussed in the last couple of blogs there are different types of pain, today we are going to cover Joint Pain. If you need to get caught up on the different types of Pains, take a moment to look back at the blogs covering Nerve Pain, Soft Tissue Pain, and Trigger Point Pain.

Joint Pain


Joint pain may bring to mind,  that pain in you back when you bend forward or that “catch’ when you rotate your neck, or pain in the knee when you get up after sitting for a period of time, from dull ache to chronic soreness, you have 360 joints of the body why do some hurt but not all, what causes joint pain. Keep reading to find out.


Spinal Subluxation (aka Misaligned Vertebrae)

A “vertebral subluxation” is a partial dislocation or misalignment of one or more joints in the spine. Subluxations can cause abnormal wear-and-tear of the joint, abnormal muscle function, decreased range of motion, decreased nerve function, and pain. Prolonged subluxations lead to severe degeneration and create degenerative disc disease, known as “subluxation degeneration.” You might also develop loss of proper curvatures of the spine, causing abnormal wear-and-tear of the spine and putting unwanted stress on muscles. Some muscles might get tight or overdeveloped, and others can weaken and shrink. To correct joint or spinal subluxations, joint manipulation or spinal realignments are applied to restore proper alignment. This might be done with the use of a practitioner’s or chiropractor’s hands, or gentle low force using handheld instruments that gently realign the spine. The only way to reduce subluxations is with some type of mechanical force—just taking pills will not realign a joint problem.


Arthritic Joint Pain

As the space between the vertebrae gets smaller, less padding between them creates bone on bone, and the spine becomes less stable. The body reacts to this by constructing bony growths called “bone spurs” (osteophytes is the medical terminology). Bone spurs can put pressure on the spinal nerves or spinal cord, resulting in pain and affecting nerve function. The common term to describe this is “degeneration” or osteoarthritis. As we discuss further in the up coming blogs, you will learn about different types of potential joint conditions in the spine.

Every community in America needs providers who are specialists in the accurate diagnosis and treatment of Joint Pain. When I say “specialist,” I mean doctors who specialize and put their attention, training, and treatment procedures together based on a deeper, more fundamental understanding of this condition. I am a specialist and have extensive training in treating conditions like this.

For 10 days only, I’m running a very special offer .

What does this offer include?  Everything I normally do in my new patient evaluation.

Just call here’s what you’ll get…

An in-depth consultation about your health and well-being where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your case. A complete neuromuscular examination, full set of specialized x-rays (if necessary), and a thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain free.

You’ll get to see everything first hand and find out if this amazing treatment will be your solution to pain, like it has been for so many other patients.

Life is too short to let pain slow you down. Call now 325-695-9355.

Jake Morgan, DC

Don’t forget to download your copy of my book! Or swing by the office at 4549 Catclaw Dr. Abilene, TX and pick up a copy!

Where is this Pain Coming From? Nothing is showing on my X-Ray!!

During the last blog we started talking about the different types of pain. The first type of pain I discussed was Nerve Pain. Nerve pain usually feels like numbness, tingling, pins-and-needles, sharp shooting, burning, or weakness. Usually the nerve or nerves are compressed, pinched, stretched, or injured in some way. This can be a tight muscle squeezing the nerve. For example, a condition called “piriformis syndrome” is a muscle spasm in your buttocks that creates sciatica or pressure on your sciatic nerve. The source of the problem is not in the back at all. You might have numbness, or tingling in hands or arms, which can be from nerves being irritated in the neck or arm.

See previous blog for more info on Nerve Pain!

Now I will discuss Soft Tissue Pain…


Soft Tissue Pain

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

—Lance Armstrong

Muscle pain and fascial pain.

Symptoms include burning, sharp pain, deep ache, spasm, or tightness. Fascia is the connective tissue or membrane that covers the muscles or encases our muscles. Visualize it as the casing around meat in a string of sausage. Connective tissue is very important in that it allows your muscles to move freely, limiting friction and irritation. This connective tissue is sometimes damaged by repetitive strains or micro traumas, which lead to damaged or scarred fascia. These types of problems will not show up on any X-rays or MRIs, but are usually diagnosed by palpation by a trained professional who feels the symptomatic region, watches how you walk, evaluates your posture, and moves the affected body part to get clues from the dysfunctional region (another good reason your doctor should always feel the painful region). Many health-care providers, although well-meaning, do not have the knowledge or training to diagnose these issues. They usually have tunnel vision, and if there is no evidence of dysfunction and the X-rays or other tests come back normal, they might tell you there is nothing wrong even when there is an issue. I however am trained to find problems just like this.

For 10 days only, I’m running a very special offer .

What does this offer include?  Everything I normally do in my new patient evaluation.

Just call here’s what you’ll get…

An in-depth consultation about your health and well-being where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your case. A complete neuromuscular examination, full set of specialized x-rays (if necessary), and a thorough analysis of your exam and x-ray findings so we can start mapping out your plan to being pain free.

You’ll get to see everything first hand and find out if this amazing treatment will be your solution to pain, like it has been for so many other patients.

Life is too short to let pain slow you down. Call now 325-695-9355.

Jake Morgan, DC

Don’t forget to download your copy of my book!

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I was suffering excrutiating shoulder pain for over a month and could not sleep at night due to pain. I went to see Dr. Morgan and he pinpointed the cause as ‘frozen shoulder’ and recommended a treatment regimen that would help me avoid surgery. After the first 2 weeks, the pain was manageable…By the end… Read more “T. Anderson”

Before I started my treatments with Dr. Morgan I had a hard time standing up properly due to muscle cramps as well as a stiff and sore neck. After several treatments with Dr. Morgan, I can walk longer distances without pain and I no longer have neck pain or cramps in my back. I would… Read more “J.R. Shirley”

I could hardly bend, walk fast, pick up heavy stuff, work or do heavy duty cleaning because it hurt really bad. I was in a lot of discomfort after my wreck. I feel like literaly everything has been shifted back into place. I feel better than I did when I first started coming in. T.… Read more “T. Howard”

Before coming in for treatment, I could not sit, walk or sleep. Now I feel young again. I’m more relaxed when I sleep and walk. I can ride in the car with more distance without hurting. This is the first and only place I will come from now on. J.J.

I was in a car wreck once I started treatment I started to feel better. Dr.morgan explain everything he did and everything that will help with my pain. I highly recommend this place for any kind of needs. The staff are very friendly and they are helpful if you have questions they will help with… Read more “I was in a car”

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since going to advanced chiropractic they have helped my headaches and dizziness alot.

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I’ve been a patient now for about a month. The office staff are very friendly ang I am beginning to feel like I am going to be able to mend my lower back. Kendra has put a great game plan together for me and I am happy to finally have some relief. Sabrina is so… Read more “I’ve been a patient now”

Lee Ann Hammit

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