Tips for Managing Psychological Stress that’s Creating Havoc on Your Body.
As promised in my last blog here are a few tips for you to help manage the effects of psychological and emotional pain that creates havoc on your body. If you missed the last blog click here!
Tip 1: Exercise.
When researching for the effects of exercises on mental conditions, it is clear that exercise is one of the most beneficial activities to burn off stress and give your brain an increase in feel-good hormones such as serotonin. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous. Walk, stretch, perform light jogging—just move, feed your brain.
Tip 2: Meditate.
Go somewhere quiet, close your eyes, be still for 10 to 20 minutes, and let your brain slow down. I have to meditate daily—I like to do it for about 10 minutes in the morning and five minutes at lunch. Purchase a book or DVD with meditation or yoga techniques.
While meditating, put slight pressure on your closed eyelids and a physiological reflex will occur that lowers blood pressure and heart rate.
Tip 3: Condition your mind with positive influences.
Read positive books, watch uplifting television, go see comedy movies. Avoid the fear, doom, and gloom that is in newspapers, film, and downtrodden conversations with people always complaining (some might be our own family members). For your own health, limit your time with people who see everything as negative—or steer the conversation away from depressing talk. Such relationships can be toxic and drain mental energy. Turn toward positivity by choosing to turn off the nightly news and instead read the cartoon section of the newspaper. Watch the movie Dumb and Dumber—dare you not to laugh! Get the old films of The Three Stooges, laugh, smile, surround yourself with positive people, positive images, or pictures of happy times. I hang in my clinic pictures of my kids laughing and playing, as well as pictures of patients who have had great success in our office and become our extended family. They evoke happy thoughts in me and block out negative influences. You must protect your mind.
Tip 4: Track your moods throughout the day.
Keep a journal to write down when your moods are at their best—notice patterns, and try to engage in more of those activities that are joyful. When you notice you’re mood is more blue, fill that time also with positive activities, a funny book, or an upbeat song—not a heartbreak country song. Surround yourself with people who are positive and encouraging. Create a space in your living environment or workplace that is comfortable and peaceful. Turn off the phone and relax, even for 10 to 20 minutes.
Tip 5: Get rid of clutter.
Environmental clutter can clutter your mind. Get rid of clutter by donating it to charity if you haven’t used it in over a year. You won’t miss it—trust me. Give it away. You will feel better.
Tip 6: Do something fun.
Go to the park, go fishing, go shopping, walk in the park, work on your hobby. Give yourself a “me” day or even am hour of fun to give yourself a mental break.
For serious emotional or physical traumas that might have happened in the past but have not been resolved, it is best to seek the assistance of a licensed therapist. Emotional traumas can linger in your mind and could very well be the source of chronic pain and continue to be chronic for years to come if not addressed.
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